(Live) scenographer | VJ | Art director
MY BABY’s live shows are often accompanied by the visuals of Frouke ten Velden. This Little Girl from the Fields has been MY BABY’s VJ and art director of the live shows since 2013. As (live) scenographer she also does MY BABY’s stage and lights design. We believe that image and sound can be seen as a universal language: melodic figures, why can’t there be figures of motion? We are capable of speaking two languages at the same time, one is addressed to the eyes the other to the ears. The connection between the two follows from the simple fact that we always connect the thing we see to the thing we hear, both music and visuals attribute meaning to each other, not only a phenomenological level, but on a more conceptual level.
During the live shows, MY BABY takes you on a journey. We find ourselves in a timeless space, where the only time is the rhythm of the music. The live show is inspired by the ancient tribes, drum circle and ceremonial dancing around the fire on the prehistoric rhythm. De visuals embody this fire, the mesmerizing movement, repetitive combination with the music. It make visible what was hidden before and the moving canvas becomes a virtual reality that tells a story, even if it os a completely abstract story: We create a moment of total immersion of the visual, music and the audience: merging reality and spirituality in a space where the music becomes a means to travel new worlds.
Live VooDoo Electrique at Paradiso